Sepiedeh Keshavarzi, MD, PhD | PI

Sepiedeh received her Medical Doctorate from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran and her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Queensland in Australia, where she investigated the circuit organisation of the olfactory amygdala in the lab of Prof Pankaj Sah. Following her PhD, she briefly joined Prof Greg Stuart's lab at the Australian National University before pursuing postdoctoral training in Prof Troy Margrie's lab at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre/University College London. There, she investigated how cortical neurons combine vestibular and visual information for self-motion computation.

Sepiedeh's research adopts a wide range of cellular and systems approaches, utilising ex vivo and in vivo neural recording techniques, cell-type-specific neural tracing and manipulation, behavioural analysis, and computational methods.

In May 2023, Sepiedeh joined the University of Cambridge as an Assistant Professor and now leads the Keshavarzi lab (Brain Circuits for Sensation and Cognition) at the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN). She has been awarded a Wellcome Trust Career Development award, which supports the development of her lab and research on the neural circuit mechanisms of spatial orientation and self-motion perception.

Sepiedeh Keshavarzi